We are working hard on publishing our complete documentation, in the mean time we have a Quick Start Quide and are available for support by email.
Quick Start Guide
Getting started with Teampage involves several steps. In short they are (1) get all team members added to the dashboard, (2) embed your Teampage on your website using our HTML snippet and (3) fine-tune the design to you needs.
The dashboard lists all your team members by headshot, name, last modified and team name. You can hide (circle), sort (up and down arrow) and edit (click) your team members here.
The colored square indicates the state of each team member. Orange indicates missing details: either headshot, email, name, or the team member is hidden from team view.
Adding team members to your Teampage is done by logging in into your dashboard and clicking the `Add Employee` button. All details entered can be shown on the team page. Soon you are able to invite your team members to input this information themselves.
We have an option to invite other team members for complete access to the Teampage dashboard. This can be useful to hand over team members maintenance to HR, an office assistent or any other person.
We've build an import for Slack and are working on an import for Microsoft Azure Active Directory. This allows you to batch import the team as it is available on your Slack or Azure organisation.
To install Teampage on your website you have to embed a HTML snippet. This snippet can be found by clicking the `Preview` button in the dashboard. If you are a Cloudflare customer this is even easier with our Cloudflare app. More details are available here.
To adjust the appearence of your Teampage, the `Setup`. Currently all these options demand a minimum level of technical knowhow of HTML, CSS and/or JSON. We are working on making this way more user friendly, in the mean time, we help you for free make any changes to these options.
Teams (JSON) provides raw information of the different teams within the company. This is used in the `Add Employee` form and for the feature to group the team members by team name. The default teams are: Team and Management.
User (HTML) is the template format for each team member. Here the data entered for each employee is available as variable. The default is a LI element, with ${firstName}, ${lastName} and all other Employee Fields.
List (HTML) is the wrapper element of all the users. The default is a wrapping UL element, with a child ${users} template variable.
Choose `Group employees by team` to split your Teampage in their specific teams. Use ${team} to add a title for each team.
Styling (CSS) is the CSS for the List and User HTML. This is added to render the design of each team member.
Employee Fields
Fields (JSON) allow you to adjust the data fields for each employee. ID and Label are mandatory for each field.
Headshots are the photos of each employee. Full size photos can be uploaded. This field is a (url) query string to adjust the raw image. The default operation is to crop it to 200x200 pixels. Other operations are available here.
Existing or new customers can get in touch via email at
Most requested
Adding social media icons and links
Group by team or location
Add a `Join team`
Show detailed details of team member
Vary information displayed based by team
Custom size head shot
Apply different themes